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Absolute Yachts wins the Boat Builder Awards 2018

Absolute Yachts : when innovation leads to the “ Boat Builder Awards ” 

The number of trophies that, yAbsolute Yachts, shipyardear after year, boat show after boat show, Absolutes Yachts incessantly goes on collecting around the world continues to grow.

When the award goes to the quality of the production process, the same that leads to the construction of boats that sail all around the world, then we have a real reason to report the news. The shipyard of Piacenza has indeed received, during 2018 MetsTrade edition, the prestigious “ Boat Builder Awards ” acknowledgment in the category “Innovation in a Production Process”.

Marcello Be and Sergio MaggiTo win a prize on construction techniques in Holland, a country that has always been synonym with experience and high-quality yacht manufacture, is a really prestigious achievement. The jury of the Boat Builder Awards was particularly impressed by Absolute Yachts‘ production system.

It is called “ Integrated Structural System” and is the main system with which Absolute builds its highly sturdy yachts through an innovative process of integrated construction. The ISS – this is the acronym of the system – was born from an idea of Sergio Maggi and was developed from the founders’ deep knowledge of the manufacturing techniques. The systems envisages an integration of all the activities into an efficient and optimized system during every stage of the production.

The award was accepted by the Absolute Yachts innovationtwo founders of the company, Marcello Be and Sergio Maggi, whose knowledge of the manufacturing techniques is the base of the innovative working method.

This success is the result of an excellent team effort, passionately being developed day after day by the Absolute team, even stronger and more cohesive, and by the international sales network”.

These were the words used by the two happy founders to comment the success.

The four words that are the signature of the brand, “Reaching for the Absolute”, are not just the expression of a philosophy aimed at the excellence but reflect a work attitude that makes Absolute’s spirit a unique brand appreciated all around the world, now confirmed by this prestigious prize”.


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