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100 locations all over the world celebrate the Italian design. That is the scale of the initiative which opened at 16:00 last Tuesday at the seat of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs called “First Italian Design Day in the world“.

Boating will be represented by Barbara Amerio who, on March 5th (the date is deferred to avoid a clash with an important local holiday), will bring her boundless wealth of experience gained within Permare-Amer Yachts, her family company, to the University of Architecture in Madinat al-Kuwait.

The hub of the event, sponsored by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism and the Triennale di Milano, in collaboration with every sector of industry and businesses exporting “Made in Italy”, was held in Rome in the presence of the Minister Angelino Alfano and many representatives of both institutions and business world.

The perception of how much Italian design is appreciated in the world and the whole culture connected with the Italian concept of beauty and savoir vivre are rooted in the Renaissance and has progressively developed until today contaminating arts, industry design, craftsmanship and the production of all daily objects.

Amer Yachts 100 navigazione
The Amer 100

However, when this perception is expressed in concrete figures ( design produces a 100-billion worldwide turnover a year, a third of which is reserved for Italian production) we realize that we are faced with an extraordinary engine for the economy of a country.

Thus, its promotion is a good thing as well as the way it will be carried out: the ambassadors of the Italian culture and style will be 100, chosen in the business environment together with teachers, craftsmen, journalists etc.. who will tell a project of excellence, its manners and processes in as many locations all over the world.

The ambassadress Barbara Amerio is one among the leading features of female entrepreneurship in Italy and all around the world. The company she runs together with her brother was established in 1973 in Sanremo by her father Fernando Amerio. In its first years, the shipyard gains any kind of experience in the field of repairs and, then, specializes in the production of big yachts.

Today, Amer yachts , ranging from 72 to 116 feet, are among the jewels in the crown of Italian shipbuilding industry. Its models are absolutely representative of the Italian design and have a distintive feature: except for the hull, all yachts are completely different from each other; every yacht is custom made according to the owner’s taste and personality. They fully express the Italian capacity to express beauty and technical innovation out of any standardisation.

In her business activity, Barbara Amerio is perfectly aware of the empathic process which drives to recognize a product as “typical” and “unique”. It is no coincidence that, during an interview, she has taken the example of the Ferrari brand and its significance in the world and of how ” selling abroad is always the token of the recognition of talent and passion we bring in our works”. Polyglot and art lover, she plays an important role in Ucina Confindustria Nautica and she has been President of the sector of recreational ships of over 24 metres since 2015.  

In other words, a high-profile choice to represent the Italian design connected to boating.




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