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Boat holidays in the time of Coronavirus: 5 good reasons to choose them

5 good reasons to choose boat holidays in spite of the virus

The hashtag #istayhome was not created randomly. The home environment is, in fact, the best way to be protected from any risk of contagion. But there is another place which has the same safety characteristics: the boat. Staying on board is, in fact, an excellent alternative to home confinement, so much so that, if it were me, the best hashtag would  undoubtedly be @istayonmyboat.

But safety is not the only reason to choose to spend the next holidays on a boat. Let’s see together why.

The boat is an extension of our home

Strange as it may seem, it is just like that. Although movingboat holidays like at home in a liquid world, the boat is very similar to our home because it tends to take on the dynamics and maximize that sense of tranquility and security that the home environment gives. Not surprisingly, when it is lived for a long time, it inevitably ends up being adorned with small and big things that fully respect the style of its owner, whether a man or a woman.

Now, imagine that you can move this environment, with all it comforts, to ever-changing and beautiful locations, without suffering the hassle of scheduled trips, fixed times, the company of people you haven’t chosen and itineraries that somebody else has selected for you.

Yes, because boat holidays also have this unique and unparalleled characteristic: the panorama is up to you.

A safe travel experience

boat travelsThe great concern with which most of us will resume travels is clear. Airports, railways stations and all the means of transport (not to mention destinations) represent a real danger and, due to the criteria of social distancing, they will certainly become very, very expensive.

Now, imagine leaving your home and getting into the car with your family, traveling a few hundred kilometers (without attending the motorway service) and reaching the port. Now, park and reach your boat, the safest and most unspoiled place, in the literal sense of the word.

From there, when you feel like it, you can cast off and sail to the most beautiful bays, the ones you have chosen for yourself. Life on board will pass between a bath and an amazing sunset while, in complete safety and without any concern, you can spend yout time with your family, forgetting face masks and latex gloves. After all, you don’t use them at home, do you?

Now imagine the alternative and…..and nothing, because there are no alternatives. Nobody likes the beaches equipped with plexiglass cages.

Social contact

Boat holidays are marked by boat holidays with friendsthe presence of the people we like and have chosen and this reason is enough to prefer them, even if the current situation obliges us to think about them differently.

The question is: who we would like to interact during our holidays with? With people who have chosen a safe holiday like us, or with people who have traveled by plane, shared a hotelr reception, had meals prepared by others and brought to the table by waiters who have served hundreds of other people?

The same applies to our children. Are we sure we want to let them alone? Will they respect the prevention and social distancing rules? I shudder at the mere thought of that…

What could be better than chatting with other people who live on (and inside, given the amount of baths) the only element that does not transmit the virus?

Boat Charter Holidays

bali 4.5You should hurry to book, the last places are running out, especially because rental periods are getting longer.

Many people, in fact, have chosen this type of boat holidays, even those who have never experienced them.

In terms of cost, moreover, a boat holiday on a small- or medium-sized charter yacht is even less expensive than a stay in a conventional hotel. Another undeniable advantage of boat chartering is that renting a boat means, above all, finding it close to the desitnations we’ve chosen for our holidays.

In this period, boat chartering is certainly an affordable and safe alternative to traditional tourism. Many people have understood that – says Luigi Coretti (Barcando Charter) – All our boats are deeply sanitizied to offer our guests a perfect environment where to spend their boat holidays. In this period, reservations are obviously covered by our money-back guarantee, it could not be otherwise “.

Boat holidays are for everyone

Nothing could me more erroneous Elan-E3-1than thinking that boats are an exclusive prerogative of the wealthy. There’s a boat for all tastes and, above all, for all budgets.

Considering the boat as a “status symbol” is an exclusively Italian preconception. French families, for example, sail three times more than the Italian ones, in definitively colder and more insidious seas than the Mediterrean.

Sure, if the Italian standard of boat is a 20-meter yacht, we’re certainly talking about very expensive boat holidays but, I’m sure you will agree with me, the same applies to seaside hotels and dream houses.

boat campingThere are many options available to enjoy a nice boat holiday. Boat camping, for example, is as basic and affordable as its “terrestrial” equivalent. Sailboats are unbeatable in terms of costs, especially if it’s windy. Perhaps you will be surprised to learn that a family of 4 spends less on buying and maintaining a 9-meter sailboat than on having a village holiday every year.

The truth is that a boat holiday is capable of reflecting our possibilities exactly like any other form of tourism. If we pay attention to our choices, having a boat can even become a form of saving, especially if the boat is used not only for holidays but also at weekends.


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