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New graphic layout for the section dedicated to all those who want to buy or sell a used boat

” The most difficult thing when buying a boat is to resell it”, people say. But it’s not true. Have you tried to take a look at the new “Boats for sale” section of The service is completely free and, a unique case in the world, ads are available in three different languages: English, Spanish and Italian.

Today, “Boats for sale” has a new graphic layout and is even more user-friendly thanks to the constant development and improvement process of our website.

Easy and free for the seller

Do you want to sell your boat? You can sign up on portal and add your advertisement, with a complete file and a highly detailed description and the possibility to give further information.

You can also complete your ad with many photos ( it is highly recommended) and videos.

The service is free for both private users and commercial operators of the sector in order to facilitate communication between potential sellers and buyers. However, if you want to get a position on the wall, please send an e-mail to

enter your ad
Placement of an ad for “Boats for sale”

Your ad will be added in our database, available in three languages and different categories: sailboats, motorboats and RIBs. If a potential buyer is interested into contacting you, you will receive an e-mail to the e-mail address you have used to sign up on the portal; this way, you can manage your communication and negotiations.

Note: you’re the only responsible for the content of your ad; so, please be sincere and correct!

Easy, free and safe for the buyer

If you’re looking for a boat, you can surf the website and let you fascinate by pictures. Alternatively, you can select Sailing Boats, Motor boats or Rubber boats and narrow the search to the category which you are interested into.

Contact the advertiser
Have you found your boat?

If you have clearer ideas, you can enter the name of the shipyard or select a length or price range.

Once you have found your boat, you can save it to your Favourites List by clicking on the star displayed on the top right: there, you will find all the selected ads in your personal area.

If you want to receive further information or you have already made your choice, you only have to click on the red button ” Contact the advertiser”: the latter will receive an e-mail with your message but, for safety reasons, he will not see your e-mail address. offers this service for free and will never go into the negotiation. However, if our contribution is essential in helping you to find the boat of your life, please inform us: we’ll make a toast to your navigation!

Some tips for the seller

Customize your message

First of all, try to customize your advertisement, describing the history of your boat and the reason why you want to sell it in order to win the confidence of the reader.

Define the status of your boat

You can define it as “like-new” if it is almost new or “used”, specifying its real conditions. Please indicate the state of engines, the year of registration, how many owners it has had. It is very important to indicate if the boat had had only one owner since this increases the interest towards the reader.

Use a clear simple language

It is important not to make spelling mistakes. So, please reread your message before putting it online. Language must be clear and simple, understandable to everyone.

Draw the attention from the very first lines or the title of your ad

This catches the interest of the reader, leading him to continue his reading. This is the most important step and you must summarize the message you want to get in only one line. Unfortunately, it’s hard to stand out if you don’t have something really original and attractive. So, focus on the very original details and real qualities of your boat: on the portal this brief summary will be displayed when you hover over the picture of the boat.

General Details

It is important to enter a clear general file of your boat. Please indicate: shipyard, model, length, width, draft, engines, number of cabins, year of construction, price.

Enter the details of your boat

Please complete the file with all the details of your boat, including standard and extra equipment. It is recommended to communicate as many details as possible in order to draw the reader’s attention and lead him continue his reading beyond the first lines.


Please indicate the price and get ready for possible negotiations.

Some tips for the buyer

Take your time

Unless you have urgent needs, take your time and seek all the information you need. There are thousands of ads on Boats for Sale: your boat will be certainly there!

Ask for information

Don’t be afraid to contact the advertiser: there is no obligation and you can ask for all the details you need. If the seller is a company or a professional, click on his name and find out all the boats he has put on sale.

Compare Favourites

If you are interested into a boat, save it on your Favourites List and compare it with others. You can manage your Favourites List whenever you want.

Go and see the boat for yourself

An on-line service like Boatandboats’ one is useful to find ads of boats on sale but can’t replace direct contact. Boats are complex items so.. you’d better to go and see them for yourself.

Consider all aspects

Before buying a boat, please consider how you will use it, where you will go as well as maintenance costs. In order to know berthing fees, please contact the marinas and ports you find on our Online Pilot Book.

Manage negotiations by yourself

Boats for sale is a service that helps buyers ans sellers to get in touch with each other but it does never go into negotiations. So, if you have some doubts, ask the opinion of a friend of yours, an expert or a professional technician ( a naval appraiser, for example).


One Response

  1. I never knew that the service is free for both private users and commercial operators of the sector in order to facilitate communication between potential sellers and buyers. I never thought that it would be like this, it is an intriguing article to read and I will also share this with my aunt. Thank you for the information about the boat for sale.

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