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It seems like she wants to catch a little of warmth sticking out her bow from the hangar where the Dufour team is taking care of her. But, in doing so, Exclusive 63 reveals her presence and we seize the opportunity to take few shots just in time before Paolo Serio, Marketing Manager of the yard of La Rochelle, tells us: ” Come and see her but no photos, please. She’s too beautiful to be shown with these processing marks upon her”.

Dufour 63 exclusive prua paolo serio
Paolo Serio, on the right, while he “convinces” us not to take photos

Consequently, we accept to violate the secret only partially and show you this impressive bow and admit that the new flagship of the Exclusive range is a really beautiful boat.

The announcement about the decision of the yard of La Rochelle to make an important leap forward in the production of big boats dates back to last spring, when we published the first renderings of the project.

The specifications available rough out a very customizable boat which embodies some innovative elements – such as the powerful motorization, the presence of a rollbar, the position of the external kitchen on the transom – as well as some signs of continuity drawn by the pencil of the designer, Felci Studio (once again!).

The first sample of the flagship immediately wants to keep promises, starting from the possibility to adjust herself according the owner’s needs. In this first boat, in fact, the master cabin runs from bow to stern while the ward-room houses a cabin equipped with bunk beds, which suggests that the owner will maybe board a crew.Dufour Yachts Exclusive 63 cabina armatoriale

The already spacious ward-room seems even more larger thanks to the portlights which seem to caress the profile of the deckhouse while flooding interiors with natural light. Given that we are in a hangar, we can only vaguely guess what this choice might mean when proposed outdoors.

It would be simplistic to recognize the great value of the cockpit exclusively for its sizes. The concept of ergonomics, literally understood as the ratio between the man’s presence and his work, is exalted by an obsessive attention to the arrangement of handlings and the integration between the space reserved for the crew members and the guests’ one.

After getting off the cradle, we can admire the lines of the hull designed by Umberto Felci. The slight fore chine, the high topsides, the thin fore sections: this is the less amazing part, of course, but also the most reassuring one which confirms the traditional high project quality of the yard.

At the time of writing, we’re waiting for the moment when we leave La Rochelle and come back to Italy. Few hundreds of miles from us, Exclusive 63 is going to leave the yard to reach Dusseldorf, where she will be one among the best news. We’ll be there and we’ll tell you every detail of this wonderful boat.

Dufour Yachts Exclusive 63 dinette


Dufour Yachts Exclusive 63 rendering


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