After a long trouble period, Italian boating finally returns to increase. The data unveiled yesterday at Genoa Boat Show during the presentation of “Boating in numbers” report are remarkable.
Boating numbers is a special report Ucina Confindustria, in collaboration with Edison and Assilea, publishes every year in order to analyse the trend of the sector.
The most interesting aspect concerns the increase (+21%) of the whole Italian boating market.
“It’s plain to see – has commented Carla Demaria, President of Ucina – that things are going well. This is the show of recovery, visitors are increasingly more numerous every day and, unlike other events, Genoa Boat Show, with its 100-thousand-square-metre exhibition area on water and a 80-thousand-square-metre on land, represents all our sector”.
There’s also a 17.1 % increase in the global outcome compared to 2014: 2.9 billion euros in 2015, 950 million of which come from Italian market.
Moreover, boating gives a 19% contribution to GDP and even the number of active operators increases by 3% (18000 people).
For Italian market, exportations are always crucial ” in-board boats – says Marco Fortis, Vice President of Edison – have registered the most significant exporting increase over the last 20 years and they have generated a surplus equal to 1.6 billion dollars in 2015. Italian pleasure and sports boats are at the 20th place of the worldwide ranking”.
All these data are flanked by an important increase in boats production and yachting leasing (leasing contracts have increased by 44% in the first 5 months of 2016 than the first five ones of 2015).