500 miglia later… the arrival in Genova.
Ready for the Genoa Boat Show.

The last part of our travel was also the hardest one. Both during our transfer from Sardinia to Elba and from Portoferraio to Genoa, we met very rough sea, strong wind and rain.

L'arrivo al Salone, a quattro giorni dalla sua apertura.
The arrival at Genoa Boat Show, 4 days before its opening

Our LTN Diamond 34, two Suzuki DF 300 motors and the crew: Emanuele Ferraris di Celle, journalist, Ezio Agazzi (LTN) and the boat’s owner  Tommaso Paganoni , with his family.

In the quay, under pavilion B, the younger sister of Diamond 34,Venom 26, whose sea trial was published just few weeks ago. She, too, has aluminium hull and deck. IMG-20160916-WA0029

In the whole, a three-day crossing and very variable weather conditions: from calm to sirocco, mistral and high waves. We sailed at an average speed of 25 knots (but we sometimes reached 46 knots, too) and an average consumption of 25 l/h per motor. Not bad for a boat of this size!IMG-20160916-WA0023

In the quay, some other members of Paganoni’s Family, the owners, was waiting for us. Guess who of them was with us aboard!

Here you are the video of our arrival in Genoa!



Third day. Stop at Portoferraio and other opinions about the boat.

Chronicle by Emanuele Ferraris di Celle. Here we are on land, on Elba Island, after a crossing from Sardinia aboard LTN 34 Diamond. We’ve already written a lot about our 500-mile stress test, now it’s time to give you some technical details.

Totally made of marine 5083 aluminium, 34 Diamond is extremely light and strong. Unladen displacement is about 2.5 tons, which, with our load conditions (3 passengers and full tanks) become little more than 3.  IMG-20160916-WA0005

We can reveal some numbers of a test you will have the possibility to read in its entirety in the next few days, after the presentation of LTN 34 Diamond at Genoa Boat Show. We measured performances out of Arbatax Gulf, with an almost one-metre swell covered by 30-50 cm waves generated by sirocco. So, a hard “confused” sea. A good test for the bottom which, thanks to a very thin bow, ensures a very soft impact on waves, while underlining the strong aluminium structure in the changes of direction, always immediate and precise.

We reached 46 knots with the two Suzuki DF 300 HP motors at 5800 revolutions and a consumption of 90 l/h. Consumption gets lower when speed decreases; for example, at 29 knots and 4000 revolutions, each engine needs 35 l/h. IMG-20160915-WA0048 (1)

I only add that the following transfer, from Olbia to Portoferraio where I am now, sees us sailing for 4 hours on 2-3 metre waves. So, a long hard test: we were expected to get Elba by 17.00! Do you want to know in what conditions we arrived? Not difficult to guess…

Now, we have to meet the Suzuki Marine dealer of Piombino and finally we’ll bring 34 Diamond to its stand at Genoa Boat Show. Weather forecast tell about a heavy rain…


September 15
Second day of navigation, stop in Olbia.

The stop in the Sardinian city was, as expected, a good occasion to meet Silverio Fresi, owner of Sea Motors, the exclusive Suzuki dealer for Sardinia. These days, we’ve tested DF 300 motors and we’ve really appreciated their qualities, low consumption and the total absence of vibrations. Fresi tells us some technical details of this Japanese V6.



Suzuki DF 300 AP – Technical File

Type: 4 stroke DOHC, 6  V 55° cylinders, 4 valves/cyl– VVT System
Engine Capacity: 4.028 cc.
Shaft Version: XL 635 mm; XXL 762 mm
Racing bores: 98 x 89 mm
Fiscal Power: 32 HP
Optimal speed: 5.700 – 6.300 rev/min
Fuel Delivery System: Electronic Multipoint Sequential
Alternator: 12V – 54A
Ignition: Electric
Fuel: Unleaded Patrol
Oil Pan Capacity: 8,0 l
Transmission: A – F – R (electronic management)
Propeller: Standard steel
Standard propeller: to choose at the time of purchase
Propeller pitch: 15” ÷ 27.5,”
Weight DF300APX 274 Kg, DF300APXX 279 Kg
Imported shaft version: Extra-long (X) – extra-extralong (XX)


September 15

Second day of navigation

Today, first part of a “quiet” transfer from Arbatax to Olbia (65 miles). We leave early, at 07:17 am and weather is changing, in this stretch of coast, at least. Last night, it rained. When we get out of the harbour, we see a storm just in front of us. For the moment, however, there’s just a little swell, less than one metre high; wind is about 5-6 knots and our Diamond 34 sails with no problem.IMG-20160915-WA0006

Partly because of humidity, partly because weather has changed, partly because it’s still early, it’s rather cold and we all wear our raincoat. After an hour, weather remains stable and we start to hope for a sunny day.

We sail quiet, our Raymarine tools say we’re sailing at 25 knots with a total consumption of 51 litres. We aren’t in a hurry, our aim is to meet Sea Motor, the Suzuki’s dealer in Olbia, in early afternoon. The boat confirms to be soft and we spend our time chatting comfortably.IMG-20160915-WA0012

At 9.40 we meet Tavolara Island and the sky gets blue. At 10.00 we see the lighthouse of Olbia, then we enter the Gulf which welcomes us with its boundless mussel cultivations.   IMG-20160915-WA0020

Now, we have to meet Sea Motor’s team, who will tell us the secrets of Suzuki DF 300 AP motors. Then, we’ll leave to Elba and Portoferraio.

September 14

The first day of navigation

For most of the day, weather was excellent: flat sea, little wind blowing from the right direction, a quiet navigation at about 30 knots and finally reduced to 27 knots to preserve our autonomy.

We liked the placement of the motors, not close to the boat. The boat is extremely soft and comfortable.

We sailed almost alone, we met the first boat only after 7 hours of navigation (in the pictures above), at about 10 miles before Arbatax. However, we met some turtles and dolphins but they didn’t get photographed.IMG-20160914-WA0032

As said in our previous post, bottom is extremely soft…. we tested it in the best way: we laid on the sunbathing surface and we felt in a long deep sleep.

L'equipaggio del Diamond 34: Ezio Agazzi (LTN), il nostro Emanuele Ferraris di Celle e l'armatore Tommaso Paganoni.
The crew of Diamond 34: Ezio Agazzi (LTN), Emanuele Ferraris di Celle and the owner,  Tommaso Paganoni.

Weather conditions changed only 10 miles before our arrival.IMG-20160914-WA0048 (1)

Wave reached about 1.50 m and wind got stronger (about 15 kn).



So, we reduced our speed to 20/22 knots but the boat was always very comfortable and extremely dry.

We entered the harbour of Arbatax at 17.13 pm and we immediately got gas (402 l).




September 14, 9.30 am


Ready… go! In a very sunny day, new LTN Diamond 34, pushed by two Suzuki 300 HP motors, leaves from Sicily to reach Genoa Boat Show. Aboard, our Emanuele Ferraris di Celle, who tell you this wonderful experience on our website and social channels. With him, Ezio Agazzi (in the photo above), partner of LTN together with Giulio Sottocornola, the lucky owner of Diamond 34 number one.

Il nostro "provista" Emanuele Ferraris di Celle
Our“test-man” Emanuele Ferraris di Celle

Our travel will touch Sardinia and Elba Island’s coasts, where we’ll have three technical stops, and this will be the best solution (500 miles) to test one among the most interesting boats of the season, totally made of aluminium, except for tubulars. Diamond 34 is 10.36 m long, 2.98 m wide and she’s designed by Alessandro Chessa (Akes Design). 

September 14, 9:30 am.

Si fa il pieno al distributore di Marsala, in totale 450 litri.
Stop at a gas station, in Marsala


The departure harbour is Marsala; the boat is ready. Yesterday, Ezio prepared her very carefully. We have a stop at the gas station, where we fill 211 L which allow us to reach the full tank capacity (450 l), necessary to push our two V6 Suzuki motors. Our destination is Arbatax, on the eastern Sardinian coast: 182 miles in total. Wind is about 5 knots and it comes from South-East, the right direction for us.

Siamo a regime di crociera veloce. I due 300 di Suzuki si dimostrano parchi: 35 lt/ ciascuno a 30 nodi di velocitàWe sail at about 30 knots and the two 300 Hp Suzuki engines are still quiet: 35 l/h. Weather forecast tell about a low wave motion, 20-50 cm. So, conditions are almost perfect. We’re thinking about the possibility to speed up, from 25 to 30 knots. Our calculations about consumption say that this increase is minimum and we won’t have any autonomy problems… we’ll even save 2 hours!




After some minutes, we meet Favignana on the right, with its castle dominating the profile of the island. Weather conditions are excellent and our Suzuki engines still have great performances: 70 l/h at a little more than 30 knots. Our first impressions? Bottom is very soft and with no vibrations.

We’ll tell you something more from Arbatax! Stay tuned!


Passiamo a fianco di Favignana, si vede sulla sua cima il Castello Saraceno
In the background, the castle of Favignana



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