Winning team doesn’t change. Mylius Yachts – manufacturer of the latest 65FD Oscar3 – renews its partnership for further three years with QI Composites , a business specialized in non-destructive analysis of composite materials.

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Hull under construction within Mylius’ yard.

Like every yacht already launched in the yard of Podenzano, Italy, those of the coming years, too, will be inspected and certified by QI Composites specialists, following the same procedures used for the most important racing boats in the world (from the America’s Cup to the Volvo Ocean Race) but for only a small niche of cruising boats. It is also thanks to QI Composites that Mylius can offer a five-year warranty on the structure of its boats, well over the two years of legal warranty.

coperta Mylius QI composites materiali compositi
The deck of Mylius 50.

QI Composites activities are carried out both during the the after-sales service and the construction phase, in order to discover eventual delaminations or problems. All the data collected during this step are useful in case of after-sales assistance or second-hand sales since each Mylius boat has its own “medical records” from its birth.

In particular, during the construction phase, the activity is related to the quality control in the notoriously most critical areas of all the composite boats, looking for possible delaminations or porosities, failures in the bonding of the structures, lack of uniformity or compactness of stratification, especially in the areas of great depth and/or subject to strong workloads (e.g. keel area, chainplates, intersections between the longitudinal and transverse structures, deck working areas, etc.). 

In the post-sales verification and/or at the time of subsequent sales, it is verified the possible presence of defects that may arise through the use of the boat, either for fatigue or by accidents: therefore the controls are focused on keel area, rudder and topsides.

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Elegant Mylius 76 Grillo Parlante

Alberto Simeone,  Mylius Designer and Technical Director  claimed: “Since it is clear that an objective quality control  can only be carried out by a third party, we turned to QI Composites, a world leader for this kind of activity”.

“QI Composites has worked in the quality check of Mylius Yachts hulls and decks laminate since the first boat» said Stefano Beltrando, QI Composites CEO. «Since 2004 the inspection process has gradually become more stringent, both because in recent years the expectations of shipowners and insurance companies have become higher, and because more cases of similar boats inspections have led the control to a stronger focus in some areas».



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