Otam Millennium 80 HT, a new version for Cannes Boat Show

From the 12 to 17 September next, in the occasion of the Cannes boat show, the fourth model of the Millennium series, the new OTAM 80 HT, will be introduced to the public. This model combines high performances and large habitability.


In comparison with the previous millennium models “MR. BROWN”  (this is the name that the lucky ship-owner choose for it) has been equipped by two motors instead of four. This solution allows the shipyard to employ the space gained   by eliminating two inboard engine and execute a ship-owner double suite avoiding differences in level.

Practically this means better security and more movements comfort. These changes where applied under the request of the ship-owner, who wants to arrange a functional layout in line with his way to live the sea.   Following this solution, it was possible to add a second VIP cabin and create a separate entrance for the sailor’s cabin, which is located at bow, and also to have a separate kitchen.

otam-millenium-ht-80-owner's cabinotam-millenium-ht-80-kichen

In this yacht, the design of the furniture are worth by the chromatic contrast particularly selected in order to create a pleasant and charming sensation. Enameled ebony with chrome labelled steel fitted in, natural teak, silken and cachemire moquette, this all to further extol the elegance and the habitability of this 80 ft. yacht.

The yacht Millenium 80 HT is powered by two MTU M94, they furnish 2.600 HP at 2450 t/m.  As drive shaft, the Arneson drive15 A 1 L have been mounted.

Duringotam-millenium-ht-80 the tests performed in the sea this combined match up, (engine and drive shaft) allows the yacht to reach over 48 knots of speed, a rare performance, mainly if you consider the dimensions of the boat. The bottom is a deep V shape, which allows the boat to be free even in confused sea.

With the engine running at 2.150 turns, you can reach a cruise speed of 41 knots, and as consequence,   the destinations seam closer.

Finally, the shipyard has spent particular attention to the noise proof system by applying two layers of noise insulating material on the engine room and on the two ship-owner cabins. The noise absorption test had revealed only 44 dB, both in the owner suite and in the main deck.

To conclude we look forward to visit the Cannes boat show, where we may touch by hand this last jewel boat, worldwide symbol of the best made in Italy.

Length (LOA) 25,50 m
Water line length (L.W.L.) 23,95 m
Wide 6,05 m
Loaded draught 1,40 m
Half full, load 64.000 Kg
VIP cabins 3
Crew cabins 2
Bathrooms 4
Motors 2 MTU M94 2600 Hp@2450RPM
Maximum speed 48 Kn
Cruise speed 41 Kn
Fuel tank capacity 9.000 Lt
Water 1.500 Lt



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