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Polytechno Engineering: 100% green fire-extinguishing systems

Polytechno Engineering is an Italian company specialized in the production of innovative electronic aerosol fire extinguishing for yachts and superyachts

Safety on board is not an option but an absolute priority, especially in terms of fire protection. Fires are, in fact, among the most serious emergencies that can occur at sea. After all, as an ancient proverb says, “you shouldn’t play with fire!”. But, in order to be really efficient, a safety system should go hand in hand with technological evolution.

That of fire safety and innovation is polytechno engineering superyachtsthe precise route taken in 1982 by a group of experts that, with a long experience in the fields of security, civil and military safety, founded  the multinational start-up CIGIESSE, becoming the first company in Europe to produce full-green and non-radiocative JALITE photoluminescent safety signs.

This signage system was so revolutionary that the Italian Navy quickly chose it as part of the safety equipment of the Giuseppe Garibaldi cruiser, later followed by the well-known supermarket chain Esselunga, that installed it in all its stores, becoming the first CIGIESSE top client in the civil sector. Still today, photoluminescent safety signs are an imperative business standard in the field of accident prevention safety.

After the first fire detection systems for the aeronautical sector, CIGIESSE, which became Polytechno Engineering in 2011, broadened its horizon by embracing the naval sector, first at a military level, then specializing in the production of safety systems for recreational units, yachts and superyachts.

For us, the switch from the production of systems for large-sized vessels to the manufacture of solutions for smaller units was relatively easy – explains Andrea Claudio Azzolini, CEO of Polytechno Engineering, with a past as a sailor – Our fire extinguishing systems were originally designed for large boats. Later, we adapted them to boats under 24 meters, adding various subsystems to our already wide range”.

polytechno-engineering-am800-4-mediumThe most important of these systems are the Aerosol AERPRO, aerosol condensed fire extinguishing systems with potassium salts that represent a valid alternative to traditional gas systems since they are completely electronic, thus capable of eliminating pipes, tanks and nozzles. They are easy to install and, compared to old-generation systems, take up less space and have a very low weight. Furthermore, they are 100% eco-friendly.

From 2016 up until todaty, we have installed 268 AERPRO systems on ships and large-sized boats while, as for the terrestrial field, we have manufactured a thousand systems – continues Mr. Azzolini – Our strength lies in a constant search for innovation, in always news projects aimed at solving specific problems, and in the rigorous application of the maritime fire prevention rules. In particular, we are committed to respecting all the rules concerning the segment of aerosol systems which are not always fully investigated by the individual registers, probably because they represent a restricted and newly conceived market niche”.


My long experience in this field has shown that the issue of maritimepolytechno-engineering-aerpro fire prevention leaves much room for interpretation. Contrary to the terrestrial sector, where many “must-be”, therefore clear and precise, rules exist, the naval sector has many “should-be” rules, often interpreted as “suggestions” and subject to constant comparison with traditional systems. In short, there’s much room for arbitrary decisions. As a result, the nautical sector suffers from a purely normative problem, and we constantly work to resolve this conflict through a timely compliance with the rules and through the most faithful possible application of them, in a rational way, adequate to the good practice rules “. 

We have even gone a step further: our AERPRO™® AM800/10â„¢ patent, designed for MED installations, allows constant control of the communication line of every single component with the control panel, from the extinguishing agent generator to the siren, as well as to an independent electromechanical circuit, which allows the system to be activated even in the event of a total blackout of the mother board, a situation that would completely put out of service any other extinguishing control unit currently on the market. Furthermore, thanks to our Thermal Cover technology, aerosol generators can be installed everywhere, in absolute safety and without danger to the surrounding materials / equipment. This is a great advantage, especially when spaces are really tight”.

polytechno-engineering-on-boardPolytechno Engineering offers solutions for all the boat manufacturers and owners looking for fire-fighting systems to be installed on new boats or during refitting works.Our systems strictly follow the rules that regulate the type of engine room, the various equipment already existing on the boat, the engine model and the class of the boat. Furthermore, our systems are organic and adapt to the overall configuration of the recreational unit. A system installed on a superyacht, for example, can be divided into a main system, a secondary system and a complementary system: it obviously depends on the size and complexity of the boat “. 

In addition to the nautical sector, Polytechno Engineering (based in Vigevano) is stably positioned in the market of renewable energy, protection of industrial machinery (such as painting and transport systems) and automotive. “ According to the philosophy has has characterized our professional activity since the beginning – concludes Mr. Azzolini – technology is a mandatory path to improve the environment and, therefore, the quality of our life”. Thanks to AERPRO systems, safety can sail with the wind in its sails.


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