When Rio Yachts, one among the most historic Rio Yachts Delta Boat CareItalian shipyards, selects a partner, it always uses special caution. 56 years of history and great achievements are an important heritage which cannot be left to anyone, especially if boats feature high customization standards and, therefore, a prestigious customer care service.

This is maybe why the choice of the shipyard has fallen upon Delta Boat Care, a company historically based in one among the Italy’s most beautiful marinas: the Marina di Varazze. Enjoying a central strategic position, this port is increasingly becoming a great showcase for Italian boat industry since all the best boat manufactures are represented here and animate the marina like a wonderful permanent exhibition.

The services of Delta Boat Care range from technical maintenance and repairs, washing and weekly boat starting. Equally well-known are the awnings and pillows the other company of the group named Marine Werk manufactures and customizes for all boats that need them.

Massimo Jannone
Massimo Jannone

“It’s for all these reasons that we’ve chosen Christian Dondrup and Delta Boat Care” – tells us Rio Yachts International Sales Director and Board Member Massimo Jannone.

At Rio Yachts, sale process is the first step of a path that enable us to create a long-lasting relationship with our customers. Our brand is famous not only for its ability to manufacture beautiful performing boats but also for the excellent post-sale assistance it has always offered. In this scenario, the choice couldn’t fail to fall upon a company that manages to guarantee all that”.

Christian Dondrup
Christian Dondrup

Christian Dondrup is the owner of Delta Boat Care and the new Rio Yachts’ dealer. 38 years old, Christian is a particular person- half German, half Ligurian- who successfully combines Italian creativity and German seriousness. His company boats a long history in the Marina di Varazze where many owners entrust the management of their boats to it.

“We already had many customers who entrusted us with the management of their boats and Rio Yachts is a shipyard manufacturing beautiful innovative boats. It’s an honour and a privilege for us to represent them in the Marina di Varazze.” tells us Christian Dondrup on the phone before leaving to Cannes Yachting Festival.

Our customers are demanding, they love customizing their boats and, above all, they don’t want any troubles. Rio Yachts’ quality is a legend, so this partnership ensures a product that won’t disappoint our market’s expectations”.

So, don’t be surprised if you find a big blond guy with a Ligurian accent walking around the Marina di Varazze and wearing the typical Rio Yachts’ colours.


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