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Stuffed Squid Recipe by Maurizio Pastacaldi

For all yachtsmen who love living the sea and spending their nights at anchor, squid fishing – which we will talk about in another article – is a excellent, tasty pastime. Once the prey has been fished and pulled aboard, it would be fair to attach the proper important to this capture and sanctify it with an appropriare recipe.

The following is the recipe that I usually  prepare to taste my fresh squid.

stuffed squid

Ingredients per portion

  • 1 fresh squid ( about 400/500 gr)
  • potatoes
  • bologna
  • (soft) bread crumbs
  • parsley
  • milk
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • fresh ground pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • olives
  • fresh tomatoes


stuffed squidDirections

  • Remove the squid’s head from the rest of the body
  • Eviscerate the sack, remove the ink sack and cuttlebone from the interior and the beak and eyes from the tentacles. Cut the tentacles into small chunks.
  • Parboil the chunks
  • Stew potatoes and mash them with a fork
  • In a bowl, prepare stuffing by mixing a little milk with bread crumbs, squid chunks, potatoes, minced bologna and parsley. Add salt and pepper; if you prefer, you can also add some chili pepper.
  • Fill the squid’s sack with the mixture, so close with a cocktail stick or some kitchen string.
  • Remember to pierce the squid with a fork to avoid breaking its sacks.



Since this recipe is destined to be prepared at sea, you just have to take what your boat offers. Cooking time cannot be determined, especially if you use squid of different sizes.

Method A – After browning the clove of garlic in hot oil, add squid, olives and fresh tomato. Serve the dish with this sauce.

Method B – Grill the squid and serve it.

Enjoy your meal!!

Cooked stuffed squid


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