Boating Dictionary

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There are currently 12 names in this directory beginning with the letter Y.
English word generally referring to pleasure boats
The act of engaging in sailing for pleasure.
A person devoted to yachting
Jib or counter-jib with a very high clew
Term which represents ‚Y‚ in the international phonetic alphabet.
Shaft perpendicular to the mast which supports squaresails
Yard arm
End of the boom or yards
The turning of a boat off course caused by seas arriving at an angle.
Yaw, broach - verb -
Sudden violent luffing caused by wind and the rudder loss of control
yaw, come alongside
To swing off course. To approach to another boat or to a dock
Boat with two masts and the mizzen one abaft the rudder axis
Yoke line, steering chain
Part of the rudder wheel transmission system

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