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Telling the boat shows held all over the world means above all to tell the presence of their main players. In the case of Nuova Jolly Marine, one among the main manufacturers of ribs and luxury tenders in the world, this tale weaves threads strung between opposite shores.

With regard to their presence in Miami, there are at least two physical shores: the departing country of these boats, that is Italy, and the USA, where these boats have been not only exhibited but they also have consolidated their presence. The other shore is emotional and involves Nuova Jolly team‘s passion, enjoyment at work, technical skills and instinctNuova Jolly Miami.

A series of coincidences and work commitments lead us to bring these shores closer and join them in a beautiful sunny day in Miami Beach spent in sea trials, chats about future plans and analysis of the present. We spend a day with Teo Aiello, Nuova Jolly Marine General Manager, and his colleagues, Claudio and Alessandro Aiello.

The occasion is the sea trial of the new Prince 38, built by the shipyard based few kilometres far from Milan, which we will be discussing next days. What we want to tell now is, above all, a human experience.


Nuova Jolly Prince 38 ccThe appointment is at the Crandon Park Marina in the charming Key Biscayne Island,  south of Miami Beach.

We arrive with our equipment and cameras and, while we are waiting for the Prince 30 (our support vessel) to arrive in the marina, we run out of small talk with Teo, Claudio and Alessandro: after some handshakes and a little chat about the previous night, we immediately start talking about sea trial  details: speed, sailing area ( waves are about half a metre high: no problem for the Prince but this might result in some stability problems for the cameraman), trajectories to follow in order to intercept the right light corners.

On board the Prince 38 there is also the owner, a businessman living in Miami who generally lets his boat “parked” just in front of his villa. He’s one of the many USA customers Nuova Jolly Marine has acquired after consolidating its overseas sales network. Teo Aiello Nuova Jolly Tuttobarche

” We’ve consolidated a partnership with InterMarine, a very important company based in Florida – Teo Aiello tells us while we are preparing our equipment – It was a strategic choice which allowed us to interprete the American rib concept also thanks to our dealer’s local knowledge”.

Our support vessel is a little late, so we decide to have a totally free sea trial, with no photographer, no constraints in order to collect data under all conditions. Our exit from the low waters surrounding the marina is a further occasion to talk with Teo Aiello, the heir of a tradition lasting for nearly half a century, and discover how Nuova Jolly has interpreted the building of its 38′ boat and its introduction on the American market.

Nuova Jolly Tuttobarche” We have been careful to take account of the local market specificity without distorting the quality and philosophy of our products. The Prince 38 maintains the marine qualities of a deep hull, suited to these seas, and a high level of finishings but she reflects a different way of living the boat which now has more seats, as required by this market. The bow and seats are easily convertible and there’s a lot of room to enjoy lunch around the table”.

When we finally reach free waters, we start a dialogue made of manoeuvres: passages on waves, trim setting, adjustment of revolutions during turns, alignments to keep stream-wind-sea effects constant and collect data. Collaboration becomes the pleasure of sailing with a seaman.

Then, our support vessel arrives, so we come back to the marina and board our photographer, our drone and we go out again to take some aerial photos but first we take some photos of the deck, we inspect details and ask Nuova Jolly about these choices.Prince 38 cc nuova jolly

At the end, what we take home is not only the objective data resulting from our sea trial but also all the analysis and considerations of who has been manufacturing these ribs for decades.

These are the moments of a funny backstage where no one is excluded from collaboration.

After some hours spent at sea amongst returns, restarts, take-offs and landings of the drone, the sea trial finishes but our day with Nuova Jolly team goes on. We leave again from Key Biskayne with both the Prince 38 and the Prince 30, which has been our support vessel, to accompany the owner to his villa.

Nuova Jolly Prince 38 cc miamiWe sail fast and take other photos, passing under bridges and close to ships before reaching the channels around Venetian Islands, where we finally say goodbye to the owner.

Then, we come back to the Marina Stadium, where Nuova Jolly has its stand at the Miami International Boat Show.

The final miles become a new opportunity to have fun and live the sea with happiness, passion and the desire to experience a narrower turn and a faster glide. Work and amusement mix together and make everyone smile.

Prince 38 cc Nuova Jolly rientroOnce the rib is moored, it’s time to say goodbye. We shake hands with Teo, Claudio and Alessandro, all busy with the final preparations for the boat show while we go home to download our photos and videos. Just a little break before the next appointment and a new occasion to tell a day at the sea, which – fortunately- is also our job, over a beer and some fried chicken.




Mercury Nuova Jolly


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