Englisches nautisches Wörterbuch

Es gibt 16 names in diesem Verzeichnis, die mit dem Buchstaben N beginnen.
The part of the celestial sphere located directly opposite the zenith
Nautical mile
The length of one minute of arc of a great circle on the surface of the earth equal to 1820 metres
An electrically operated horn for giving fog warnings
Navigation lights
Lights for night navitation
A crewman trained and qualified in the practice of determining position and setting courses
Digital cartography builder.
Standard communication device for marine electronic devices
Dark cloud without a specific shape
Nipper, gasket
Reinforcement which shelters mooring cables. Oakum which wraps the propeller axis inside the stern tube: if wet with water, it increases its volume and makes the environment watertighe
NMEA 0183
Standard of GPS data communication
NMEA 2000
It contains the requirements of a communication network to connect marine electronic devices on ships
North wind
Northerly wind
North-east wind
Wind coming from North-East
Term which represents ‚N‚ in the international phonetic alphabet.
Numerical flag
Trapezoidal flag used to indicate signals, such as numbers or answering pennant

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